lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009

My Ideal Job!!!

My Ideal job is to have a private clinic by my own!, is my dream and I now that in a very near future I'll have it.
I really like domestic animals, I feel that I have a conexion with them, actually I have two dog, a cat, a rabbit and a erizo (I don't now the translation for it).
Another thing that I really want to do, is to have a hatchery of dogs like Pug's or San bernardo, or something like tha.. I don't now yet.
Well but first, until I work in all that proyect I want to study in another country like England, and learn about an specific topic.

Well this is my last post!!! Have a good week everyone!

Bye Bye

Ale (L)

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009

Session 3

I really enjoy visiting
I visited this page seen 2007, and I love it, actually many times I spend a lot of time serching friend, looking their photos, and playing games and I don't study.. is a really bad habit..
I enter to this page minimum one time in the day, usually in the night and I check the new stuff, my friend's private messenges and my profile's post.

I really like it because I can talk with a lot of old friends and kwon about them without see them in person, play many funny games with them, know their birthdays., ask about university stuff like when is a test or quiz, many times I saw interesting photos of friends who travel to other countrys, is really cool.

The most important thing of this page is that I can comunicated with my far away relatives, they live in england.

Bye! Ale.

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2009

Session 2!

This is a very important photo for me.
Actually nobody took it, we put the camera in a table jaja. The photo shows my two best friends in the world. I know them for 5 years, we were classmate at school and we still be friends now, in spit of we take differents ways.
It was taken this summer in carlos's house, we went there for two days and it was really fun!, he allways said that he have a cool house 'cause he has a really huge pool, a cinema room, a play room with a pool table and many other table games.
I like this photo 'cause it was really fun took it and difficult too, we took many pictures that day but this one is the most beautifull for me and original.

Now I don't see them very much, but with this photos I can remember them all the time, and remember all the good times we speend together. The will be my best friends allways because we are there for the other wherever it takes.


sábado, 17 de octubre de 2009

Session 1: I love technology

I really love all kind of technology!, my favorite tech piece is my iPod Touch, I got it in 2008 at the middle of the year.
At first I didn't use it very much but now I can't live without it!, I use it to listen music, keep safe my favorite photos, to see my e.mail, chat in msn and post to my friends in facebook.
I usually use it at nigth when I can't sleep, when I'm boring in the university and when I take a shower cause' I have a special spekear for it.
I really like it cause' make me relax a lot when I have many things to think in my head, without it I'll be lost, jaja noo I'll feel alone all that moments that anyone is at home and will be boring all my morning's shower when I'm really sleppy

Ale :D