sábado, 17 de octubre de 2009

Session 1: I love technology

I really love all kind of technology!, my favorite tech piece is my iPod Touch, I got it in 2008 at the middle of the year.
At first I didn't use it very much but now I can't live without it!, I use it to listen music, keep safe my favorite photos, to see my e.mail, chat in msn and post to my friends in facebook.
I usually use it at nigth when I can't sleep, when I'm boring in the university and when I take a shower cause' I have a special spekear for it.
I really like it cause' make me relax a lot when I have many things to think in my head, without it I'll be lost, jaja noo I'll feel alone all that moments that anyone is at home and will be boring all my morning's shower when I'm really sleppy

Ale :D

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello EIL :)
    I saw your iPod and I think it's very nice, especially the color ... I love it !

    see you the monday, rest long before the worst is coming (6) hahaha

    love you :*

  2. Hi Aleee...ohhh :O
    you favorite tech piece is your iPod Touch!!!!
    i'm really surprised :O...yes, iPod Touch is very nice and useful...
    remember you to study biochemistry ;)

  3. Hi Ale!
    really the iPod Touch is a fantastic tech piece, very useful and cute =)
    nooo Manu!! .. I hate biochemistry!! ¬¬ =(
    see you tomorrow, kisses!
